The Hierophant tarot card meaning
spirituality, counsel, clairvoyance, wisdom, virtue,
stagnation, rigidity, lack of confidence,
The 5th major arcana in the Tarot the Hierophant, unsurprisingly, assumes a deeply spiritual function. It is traditionally represented by a mature man with a long white beard, an attribute that testifies, of course, to his experience and wisdom. As the symbol of stable and lasting power, the character sits on a transparent throne, inside a building that seems to have a religious significance, as suggested by the columns. Although surprising at first sight, this transparency serves to remind us of the invisible, cryptic and elusive nature of the universe over which the Hierophant rules! His right hand, held over his heart, is blessing the two figures kneeling before him, both bearing the tonsure, a symbol of rebirth, soul washing and forgiveness. The left hand of the Hierophant holds the hierophant cross in a vertical position. This cross refers to the three stages through which every person must pass in order to experience true spiritual fulfillment, namely instinct, consciousness and knowledge.
The Hierophant is wearing a blue robe topped with a red coat with yellow edges, the three colors testifying to the active and spiritual nature of his power. Also note the black brooch holding the cloak together at the throat. Its location is hardly a coincidence, the Adam's apple represents this character's capacity for verbal expression. The Hierophant knows the hidden treasures of the soul and the world, and is happy to communicate them to anyone who requests them.

Happiness lies on the path of duty.
The influence of the Hierophant in the short term often results in the appearance - or recognition - of a trusted person in your immediate circle of friends and family.. Although their contribution may not be immediately felt, the trust they have in you will lay foundations that will allow you to envisage the future with more serenity. This quiet force can only be extremely positive for your future development.
In the long term, the Hierophant will teach you to better understand what has built you, i.e., your psychological heritage, your family roots and your religious beliefs. He invites you to find fulfillment along a path that has already been followed by many of your ancestors. This acceptance of the principle will help you to understand your destiny better and bring you the harmony that you have been looking for for a long time.
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The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning
The Hierophant upright

The Hierophant reversed